Sunday, February 1, 2015

Bring it On.

Alright-- month 1 of the rest of my life went pretty well. I didn't lose as much weight as I thought I could/would but I did pretty damn good. I got back in the FAT DUNK TANK this morning and since Jan 4th I've gained 1 lbs of Lean Muscle and I've lost 7 lbs of Fat for a 2.1% reduction in body fat percentage. Fat, for the record, is gross. See below. 
The good news? I'm not ready to get off this horse-- I just got back from the grocery store and am ready for a week of healthy choices (minus the Hawks game on Wed :). The bad news? My back is fucked. I hurt it even more on Thursday night while stretching and ended up at a spine doc on Friday. He doesn't think it's going to be a super long recovery but it's not nothing. I haven't worked out since Thursday AM and am hoping to go back to FitWit tomorrow night but will have to be super careful. Argh. Not what I need-- but certainly not going to hold me back.