Monday, April 14, 2014

The journey from sea turtle to dolphin.

I've been struggling the past few weeks on the training. The good news is that I HAVE been training-- the bad news is that I'm not biking or swimming fast. But I am biking and swimming. I've put my bike on a trainer so I can bike more often and then do brick workouts from the house-- but the trainer kicks my ass. I really enjoy the trainer at the Energy Lab but it's not the same in my living room for some reason.

Tonight in the pool I was slow again. I varied between a 2:20 per 100 and 2:50 per 100....that's a pretty big variance. We did the longest set of the year in the pool-- a 500-- the crazy thing-- I nailed it. Never stopped and felt great. I kept telling myself-- swim YOUR 500-- stay calm, stay smooth, work on form and posture, don't let your legs hurt you. The guy that swims in my lane with me has gotten super fast over the past few weeks but I finished RIGHT after him cause he had to stop a few times-- slow and steady baby! The problem....I want to be steady and fast-- or at least fast-ER. I remind myself of the sea turtle I swam with once in Belize....this turtle was smooth in the water, and calm-- but slow..I could keep up with him--I need to be more dolphin-esque.

I spoke with Coach Allison and she wants to push me to figure out what pace I CAN stay at for my race distance- 600-- that allows me to pick up pace but not kill myself before I even get on the bike. I'm going to try and work on that this week in New Orleans-- when I try my hand out at the UNO pool. :)

1 comment:

  1. I just emailed you about the trainer. I'm having a similar issue with swim speed. I'm the slowest one in my masters swim class. I asked the coach about it last week & she said she needs to work with me one-on-one & get my form right. She said good form will make me faster. Bleh.
