Wednesday, May 29, 2013


So, I've been missing in action. The good thing is that it's not from working out...just from blogging. I've been keeping up with my workouts as best as I can-- been working out with my personal trainer whenever I'm in Atlanta but have also been doing a 30 day challenge initiated by my homie and co-worker Dana-- each day, for 30 days, we do squats, sit ups, crunches, leg raises, and plank. There's a big group doing it together and it's getting tough. Today was 100 squats, 45 sit ups, 30 crunches, and a bunch of leg raises. Plus I worked out with Brandy-- OUCH!

Tomorrow I head back out of town for 3 days but NOT BEFORE I work out with Brandy AGAIN at 5:30 in the morning. WTF was I thinking?

This past weekend I had some friends come to town and one day we hiked and the next we kayaked-- talk about a leg and an arm workout-- not to mention some nice cardio.

This weekend I'll be in the middle of nowhere Arkansas for a music festival and am hoping to get some nice hiking and hippie dancing in...I'll get my workouts however I can.

The food...well, that's another story entirely. Recently since I've been traveling so much I've been having my ups and downs. I've got to get more consistent with the other question. I also promise to weigh on Monday since I'll be back in ATL. I'm nervous and I expect to have gained some serious weight. Have I mentioned the food not being great? Seriously, I need a chef to follow me around.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Keeping my chin up.

I had a plan. By right now, today, I would be at 199 or less. I did everything I thought I needed to do to make this happen. Yesterday morning I weighed 201lbs. So I juice cleansed all day yesterday as usually that knocks out about 2lbs per day. When I was talking to my friend Lauren on the phone I told her, "if I know my body I'll be at 199 in the morning"-- I even wanted to take a picture of the scale. Well. I was wrong. No move on the scale. Still 201. I have no idea what happened. Yesterday I worked out, did the cleanse and absolutely nothing. Certainly, I'm disappointed. Also, I'm not sure if this is going to give me MORE motivation or less.
I'm going to head to the gym now, fly to LA, have a normal day and when I get back to Atlanta on Sunday we'll see where I land.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

It's a lifestyle

This year is truly about changing my life, forever. It's somewhat hard to imagine at what point of my life I thought it would be OK to eat whatever the hell I wanted all the time/anytime I wanted. It's also amazing how few vegetables I ate from 1998-2012. In retrospect I was a walking piece of meat and cheese held together with some pasta with a salad on top (with blue cheese dressing).
This journey will never end. I'm loving the new adventures I'm going on. Vegetable smoothies in the morning. Wheatgrass shots. Climbing gyms (I went again and made it to the top on a few routes). Finding new hiking trails. Dancing. Vegetables for dinner. More water. Less booze. Life is good.