Saturday, October 5, 2013

On to the next one.

It's been about a week since my first Triathlon and I'm still fighting the same cold. I knew I was going to take about a week off to gather my thoughts, figure out if I wanted to do another one and think about what I needed to do to prepare. Here's what I went through this week:

-Lots of lists
-Lots of fun (date on Monday, out with great friends on Tuesday, interesting work stuff on Wed, dinner with friends on Thurs, fun work event Friday)
-2 personal trainer sessions
-checked out a new gym-- but made the decision to stay with Exhale and increase my spin class regimen and continue to use the city of ATL pool (turns out I like it more than the pool at the Athletic club)
-Made decision to do the next Tri-- Olympic distance- January 12th- Naples, FL
-Got fit and bought a road bike (huge) Love my new bike shop...

I also planned out my training schedule for my next Tri. A couple of things to point out:

1. This is serious shit. I'm going to really have to train hard, dedicate myself to the process, and cut out the bullshit in my life (Tuesday night's that end at 3:30 AM are in the past)
2. I have to keep having some fun---but new types of fun. Fun on bike rides :)
3. I have to eat well pretty much on a super consistent basis. I didn't eat well yesterday and when I went to work out with Brandy I may as well have not been there-- it was pitiful. The food that I put in my body is going to directly effect how well I train and what I get from it.
4. This isn't about weight loss-- it's about the process of getting to this race and killing it. In the meantime if I eat well, fuel right and train hard I will inevitably lose some lbs.
5. I have to get in a better mental place about running. When I was young I loved to run-- and I ran fast--the mental block that I have on running has got to come to an end.
6. I need the right tools. More bike shorts, a garmin watch, another swim suit, a wet suit and eventually new bike shoes.
7. It's important that I de-clutter my life. That means my room, my office, my purse, my car...whatever/everything. I need to not have stupid shit like not finding my keys or in-clarity surrounding whether clothes are dirty or clean bother me.

But just like Jay Z says....I move forward, the only direction...can't be scared to fail, search of perfection. 

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