Sunday, October 20, 2013

Runners Block

So this week was tough. I was so tired on Tuesday morning that I decided to take the day off and not use Friday as my off day. That would have worked and been OK had I not forget to pack my running shoes when I left for NOLA-- so that made Tuesday and Wednesday with no workouts. I made up for it on Thursday and took a 6AM spin class that kicked my ass and then Friday I went for a horrible run, Saturday spin, and then Sunday run.

More about my horrible run. On Friday it was like I was running to my demise...I didn't want to do it. I would run, stop, run, stop, walk, argh. I mentioned to Christina my struggle and she thought it would be good to find some motivational phrases or thoughts that I could think about when I wanted to stop running. Today on my run I used them-- one was from the book "Oh the Places You'll Go" from Dr Suess. And old boyfriend of mine gave me this book years ago with pictures of me that he had cut out and placed within the book. It's to this day the best gift I've ever received-- and it was quite motivational. When I wanted to stop running today I just thought to myself...."Oh the Places You'll Go"....and I thought about Naples, my triathlon and pushing myself-- past my mental block of wanting to stop. It worked-----for today at least.

This upcoming week will also be difficult as I'll be in New Orleans Wed, Thurs, Fri, & Sat night's....but I have my plan, have already found spin classes in NOLA and will be sure to pack properly.

Sidenote: What the fuck is wrong with my bike? It's been at the shop since Monday and they can't get my gears/shifters to work. It's a brand new bike...frustrated doesn't begin to cover it.

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