Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day 25...almost through Phase 1

Hey everyone-- tomorrow will be DAY 25-- almost through phase 1 (day 26 is last workout in phase 1)-- and I'm feeling great. It's funny that when I heard there was no cardio in Phase I-- I completely freaked out. turns out that I've really loved being a weight rat at the gym. I know may way around that place now...using the benches with the big boys...and have steadily increased my weights. I also think (code word, think) my body is changing. I'm pretty positive my legs are-- and now I'm killing myself for not weighing/measuring before I started-- but I've decided to use the towel test.

PS-- that's not me in the picture (shocking). that's Jamie Eason. And she's a badass.

You normal bath towels don't wrap all the way around my hips/ass....but I think they are getting closer to doing so....goal for the end of the challenge-- 100% towel wrap.

Next week we will add moderate cardio in 4 days per week-- I'll keep lifting 6 days a week and we go to only 1 rest day....I'm NOT thrilled about only 1 rest day but it's all I was taking when I was training for my last race so I guess I got spoiled.

In the last Phase-- 3-- we do 5 days of high intensity cardio and 6 days of lifting per week. WOWZA.

The good news is that I'm almost done with the first phase and I've managed to keep at it after mostly being on the road. My next big challenge will be figuring out how I'm going to handle Bonnaroo-- 5 days of living on a farm-- definitely no gym on the farm. Can def get cardio in but the weights will be a challenge.

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