Friday, May 23, 2014

This is how we do it....

To say I'm tired is an understatement. 3 weeks ago I started Jamie Eason's Live Fit program....and in those three weeks I've traveled to New Orleans, worked and attended Shaky Knees Fest, worked 7 days at Hangout Fest and traveled back to New Orleans. In 3 weeks. I'm exhausted. BUT...I'm loving the program. I haven't been nearly as good with the food as I should have (shocker) but I've gotten all of the workouts in and I feel stronger already. Next week is the last week in the first phase and then we go to phase 2 which introduces cardio and limits carbs even more. Yikes.

The good news is that I have the next 3 days off and have very few plans...mostly to eat well, take my well deserved rest days, and to get back to the gym on Monday. I'm also not traveling, per se, until June 4th....Hallelujah. Right now I'm in Nashville for 5 days or so but that doesn't really count as traveling since I have my own bed, a kitchen, my car, etc.

Consistently the chest workouts are the worst-- I suppose you don't understand how much you NEVER work out your chest muscles in real life. The most recent reiteration of the leg workouts are horrible-- she added dead lifts which have always made me SUPER sore. I can also tell my posture is getting better.

Alright...enough enough. Off to bed.

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