Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Beer for Breakfast?

Do you have friends that say things like: "If I eat anything with fat or carbs my body just rejects it" Or even worse....Do YOU say things like this? It seems like our bodies are quite amazing specimens and will adjust after time to what we do/eat/drink/etc-- so for example, when at the beginning of the year I started eating lots of veggies, lean proteins and healthy fats it freaked the fuck out. Sort of like what some peoples bodies do when they eat carbs or candy or pizza. In fact, my digestive system pretty much just stopped working. But...I was drinking tons of water and consuming green veggies poop. I was working out, sweating, being poop.

When I would eat a small amount of grains or drink some beer or wine-- POOP! How is this even normal? I get the whole fiber thing but with my veggies I was consuming a ton of fiber. So the question becomes-- how can I be, ahem, regular-- without having a Sweetwater for breakfast? Or would that be so bad really?

Ok...enough about the bathroom. I didn't get on the scale this week because on Sunday at 11:00 AM I go back to the Fat Dunk Tank....and find out how much or if my body composition has changed in the last month. The good news? I really don't give too many fucks about what it says because I FEEL great. I believe I will have gained a few lbs in muscle, and lost a few lbs in fat. And if that's the case-- I'm heading in the right direction.  And I have no intention of stopping. I'm cooking amazingly tasty and healthy foods, I'm working out (hard), and I'm enjoying things like pizza and wine when I want to-- because LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO NOT. The end.

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