Monday, July 22, 2013

My head. Is sore.

So. Last week when I was trying to be sporty spice at Hexagon Wake park I dinged my head so hard that a couple of days later I developed signs of a concussion. So I took my happy ass to the doctor and turned out indeed...concussion. The good news, the CT scan showed no brain bleeding. The bad news...I was told no activity for 5-7 days-- no working out, no computers, no TV. I've been in so much pain and miserable for the past few days and Sunday night I hit rock rock bottom that I got on the scale. It couldn't get much worse I thought so I jumped on...and I was shocked. It was about the same as the last time I had weighed (1 month ago)...that's right...1 whole month no weight loss. can look at it and think 1 whole weight gain :). 

Bottom line-- I didn't eat and/or drink very well in the past month-- pretty miserably actually. But...I kept working out like a champ. Gooo me. 

Now...the hard part...I can't workout for another few days so I have to be so careful about the food. And I've gone 4 days no wine...or booze of any kind so that will certainly help with the caloric intake. 

Wish me luck...

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