Thursday, August 29, 2013

Tri training ain't easy....

I've decided to focus on the run and bike portion of my Tri training this week and have taken 1 spin class-- the first one I haven't actually hated-- and then I also brought my bike to Nashville with me and just finished a ride. It's been fun getting back on the bike and today did 9 miles averaging a 4.55 minute mile, which for the type of bike I have (hybrid) isn't bad. I would like to shave that down to 4:30 but need for my lower core and quads to strengthen up for that to happen. They give you 1.5 hours to finish the bike portion before they pull your ass off the course...but I'm going to shoot for one hour.

I ran....wait for it....2 miles yesterday without stopping. I felt good too...although I didn't enjoy it necessarily. I even sped up on the last 1/4 of mile. I average about 12:15 per mile and am going to try to get that down to 11:45 by race day which would put me around 36 minutes for the 5K. They give you 45....

The hardest part of all of Ipod. The race doesn't allow you to use them so I haven't been training with them--- not sure if that's a good idea or not...cause I'm missing the music. I've taken to talking to myself and making up songs about strengthening my core.

Lastly, I've been doing my running indoors and my biking outdoors. I get so hot/over heated outdoors that I'm really hoping for nice weather for the day of the race.

That's it for now...there's a glass of wine in my future :)


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