Sunday, February 9, 2014

Tri the Parks

I've gone ahead and done it. Registered for my third triathlon today.

April 26th-- John Tanner Sprint Tri-- part of the Tri the Parks series

I'm super excited to be doing my third race and am hoping to be competitive in the Athena category. I've been working on my swim, bike and run and plan to be more prepared than any other race.

Goal times:

Swim 600 meters: 15 minutes
Transition: 4 min
Bike 13.8 miles: 45 minutes
Transition: 4 min
Run: 36 min
1 Hour 44 minutes

Today I did my first brick workout in a LONG TIME. No wonder I struggled with the run in Naples...that shit is hard.

My focus between now-race will be the run & swim. I know I can bike well and will continue to build those muscles-- but I must get better on the run and the swim.


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