Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Color Run

Alright. So for 2nd time this year I ran without someone chasing me. This was the first time where I really enjoyed myself. A group of us from work decided to sign up for The Color Run...what is billed to be the happiest 5k on the planet. After battling some serious traffic and a much longer trip than anticipated we took off. My goal was to run most of it while staying with our group so we could experience the race together. I jogged the first half and then ran/walked the 2nd half and think I could have run the entire way. Super proud of myself and of my girls, Ashley and Whit. We had a blast...the color aspect is so much fun and it breaks up the race quite nicely. THERE WERE SOOOO MANY PEOPLE was a little insane actually. Big shout out to the half of Red Bull that I had pre-race that definitely boosted both my energy and endurance for the race.


  1. Emmmma - WOW - you look great!!! With, or without the color!!!
    Havent' seen a picture in a while - WAY TO GO!!!!
    Keep up the great work!!!

  2. Totally could have ran the whole way! Did so awesome, and so glad you and Ash were my partners in color running crime :)
