Saturday, April 27, 2013

Wheatgrass and getting after it

Wow. This week has had its ups and downs. After my first thought of juicing and no alcohol I ended up having dinner out every night this week and enjoying 1 glass of wine or cocktail each night. The best laid plans....

But here's what I DID do this week:
- I worked out every day (except Tuesday) and on Wednesday I worked out twice
- I had a spinach smoothie every morning for breakfast
- I did my first "grand slam" at Arden's Garden
- I didn't eat much on Friday as there was an event

And I'm back down to my lowest weight. 201.7. I've set a VERY realistic goal to get down to 199 by Monday the 13th so I can be in the 100's for my birthday on the 15th. I've GOT THIS.

Back to the Grand Slam.

I've found a little slice of heaven in Atlanta called Arden's Garden. It's a juicing/smoothie place that is about .5 mile from my office. I used to look at people drinking green stuff and think they were CRAZY. But it turns out it can taste good. There's this one smoothie called a Spinach Slam that is heavenly and if I'm in ATL then that's my breakfast almost every day. BUT....each time I'm at Arden's there are these people asking for the "Grand Slam". It's a mix of 4 small shots of liquid that turns out to be Wheatgrass, Ginger, Lemon and Cranberry. All in its purest form. The wheatgrass detoxifies you. The ginger is good for digestion. The lemon is high it vitamins and folic acid and the cranberry is also high in vitamin and can help detox.

This is hardcore shit. And to be honest, there's very little hardcore about me...unless we're talking about cheese or REM knowledge. But. I've gotten to know the awesome woman at the Arden's by my office and she convinced me to give it a try. HOLY SHIT. For the record if your body is "toxic" the Wheatgrass can cause instant puking and sweating. I put the wheatgrass in my mouth and I knew we had a problem. Can you believe taking a shot of this is worse that taking a shot of Jack Daniels? (which I told everyone in the juicing place-- they looked at me like I was crazy). But, I battled it back and immediately got fuzzy and sweaty. I got up my courage to down the ginger-- woah-- intense and hot. Then the lemon and cranberry were easy after the first 2.

I was so proud of myself but I was also, ahem, not feeling great. For the next 2 hours I kept the puke down and by about 1:00 PM the taste of wheatgrass was mostly out of my mouth. THE CRAZY THING? I'm going back for more this morning!

1 comment:

  1. WOW Emma !!!!!!!
    I salute you - there is NO WAY I can get wheatgrass down.... I have tried, I would LOVE to get it down, but it just won't....
    Good for you - and for the weight - AWESOME!!!!
    ONLY 1.7 lbs away from a HUGE step!!!!!!!!
    Kepp it going, can't wait to see you in the water!!!!
