Sunday, June 23, 2013


Last Thursday and Friday we hosted a Fit For Flight event focused on giving a few employees the ability to re-charge their fitness and nutrition routines-- and it was pretty amazing. It was hosted at Britta Llewellyn's house-- along with her amazing family-- husband Jaret and son Dorien and their friend Joseph. Britta, Jaret and Dorien are all World Champion Waterskiers and are able to teach just about anyone how to ski or wakeboard-- EVEN ME!

I was nervous for this trip because I was going to be challenged physically and mentally to both keep up with everyone and try to lead them at the same time-- and it was tough.

Day 1 involved a 2 mile run, a bootcamp of sorts and a skiing/water session.
Day 2 involved a 1 miles run, an interval session and nutritionist visit and a water/skiing session.

Then I worked out with my trainer yesterday and finally gave myself a day off today. It felt a little odd to have a day off but I know my body needed it. This week will be tough as we have meetings all day-every day for business planning but I've got bootcamp sessions planned every morning so I'll get a work out in at the very least. I'm also going to try to juice during the day, eat with the group every night and limit my alcohol which is so important.

Pictures and video to come from the recharge.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

It Happened.

I got up this morning and today I don't weigh 200lbs. You know, oddly it doesn't feel as good as I thought it would. Britta is right. Numbers aren't as important. BUT DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS? Last night I was cleaning out my closet and I went to try on my 3 pair of ski pants. The ones I was wearing this past winter don't fit--- they won't even stay up-- now THAT felt good. Then I went to try on these amazing Oakley pants that I bought in November of 2011 to wear to Killington-- and they didn't fit then (bought online) and it broke my heart. But I didn't return those way-- they're too rad. Last night-- they do. Now, THAT felt good. I can't wait to go somewhere cold and wear normal sized clothes. In good news, my original pair of ski pants that I bought in 2010 also fit again. BOOM.

Pics to prove it.

Monday, June 17, 2013

I couldn't make this up if I wanted to.

I weigh 200.00 lbs. Not 199.9, not 200.1, 200.00 lbs.

I knew when I got on the scale this morning it was going to be close. I traveled all week and ate about as well as I possibly could have while on the road. I did drink beer (damn music festivals) but I was on point. I worked out hard this past week-- 3 sessions with the trainer before leaving town (mon, tues, wed), walked about 45 miles at Bonnaroo and then hiked both Saturday and Sunday.

Last night when I went to bed I said a little prayer that I would wake up less than 200lbs. Didn't happen.

But...I do weigh less than I have in probably 2 years and I'm starting to see the resemblance of a quad muscle in my leg. I'm strong. I'm planking. I'm running. I'm hiking. Life is good. I got this.

Oh, do you remember my post about jeans that zip but don't fit? Here's a classic example from Bonnaroo. At least she's staying hydrated.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Oh injuries.

On Tuesday when I was running to warm up for my PT session everything was going swimmingly until I felt this odd pain in my inner thigh. It was a quick sharp pain and then it sort of went away. At the time I thought it felt like a muscle pull but I kept running. When I was working out with Brandy it reared its ugly little head again.

I've worked out again since then and it hurt. Not during everything, but its certainly noticeable. Brandy thinks its fine for me to keep working out but to be mindful of lateral movements. But I wasn't moving laterally when it happened, I think. Hmmmm.

The point of this is that the body is very odd. And every injury is different. For example when I stretch this injury it feels good but my hip flexor was very bothered by stretching. I suppose you have to give everything a try.

I'm heading to Bonnaroo Music Festival today and its going to be hot as fuck. Highs in the 90's, on a farm, in the middle of Tennessee in the summer--I'm sure someone thought this was a good idea. I'm going to try to tell myself-- the more I walk & sweat the more calories I'm burning.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

New/Old Jeans....

One of the best parts about getting healthy is that I'm able to wear some clothes that have been in the "someday/somehow" pile in my closet. The pile is still pretty big but each month it gets a bit smaller. Yesterday morning I went to try some jeans that haven't fit in at least 2 years....and they zipped. Notice I didn't say they didn't "FIT". There will still be some time before they know...jeans actually fit when they both zip and then don't cause an odd bulge around your waist. Sooner than later those puppy's are actually going to fit damnit. 

                                                                 Pics to Prove It. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

National Running Day

Tomorrow is National Running Day and we have a group run planned tomorrow in the office (yes-- I'm actually in Atlanta) before my PT session I decided to take a jaunt on the treadmill. Usually before I work out I reluctantly get on the treadmill to warm up...I walk real slowly, until I convince myself to slowly jog, and then just maybe, I'll get up to a run-- and I dislike most of it.

But today...I had so much energy I jumped on that treadmill and pushed it up to a slow job at the beginning and by the end I was running a 10 min mile-- for the last 1/4 mile. I ran a whole mile in under 12.38 minutes. I know, I know...that's slow...but for me...that's moving. I think I could have done the whole mile around 11. This could get interesting...should I go for more distance or try to increase the speed first? Any runners out there?