Monday, June 17, 2013

I couldn't make this up if I wanted to.

I weigh 200.00 lbs. Not 199.9, not 200.1, 200.00 lbs.

I knew when I got on the scale this morning it was going to be close. I traveled all week and ate about as well as I possibly could have while on the road. I did drink beer (damn music festivals) but I was on point. I worked out hard this past week-- 3 sessions with the trainer before leaving town (mon, tues, wed), walked about 45 miles at Bonnaroo and then hiked both Saturday and Sunday.

Last night when I went to bed I said a little prayer that I would wake up less than 200lbs. Didn't happen.

But...I do weigh less than I have in probably 2 years and I'm starting to see the resemblance of a quad muscle in my leg. I'm strong. I'm planking. I'm running. I'm hiking. Life is good. I got this.

Oh, do you remember my post about jeans that zip but don't fit? Here's a classic example from Bonnaroo. At least she's staying hydrated.


  1. Congrats! Woohoo to next week when you will FOR SURE BE UNDER 200!! Also, glad that isn't you in that photo. No one should wear jeans that zip but don't fit.

  2. oh p.s..... hit a girl up about these hikes!!
