Tuesday, June 4, 2013

National Running Day

Tomorrow is National Running Day and we have a group run planned tomorrow in the office (yes-- I'm actually in Atlanta)...so before my PT session I decided to take a jaunt on the treadmill. Usually before I work out I reluctantly get on the treadmill to warm up...I walk real slowly, until I convince myself to slowly jog, and then just maybe, I'll get up to a run-- and I dislike most of it.

But today...I had so much energy I jumped on that treadmill and pushed it up to a slow job at the beginning and by the end I was running a 10 min mile-- for the last 1/4 mile. I ran a whole mile in under 12.38 minutes. I know, I know...that's slow...but for me...that's moving. I think I could have done the whole mile around 11. This could get interesting...should I go for more distance or try to increase the speed first? Any runners out there?

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