Thursday, June 13, 2013

Oh injuries.

On Tuesday when I was running to warm up for my PT session everything was going swimmingly until I felt this odd pain in my inner thigh. It was a quick sharp pain and then it sort of went away. At the time I thought it felt like a muscle pull but I kept running. When I was working out with Brandy it reared its ugly little head again.

I've worked out again since then and it hurt. Not during everything, but its certainly noticeable. Brandy thinks its fine for me to keep working out but to be mindful of lateral movements. But I wasn't moving laterally when it happened, I think. Hmmmm.

The point of this is that the body is very odd. And every injury is different. For example when I stretch this injury it feels good but my hip flexor was very bothered by stretching. I suppose you have to give everything a try.

I'm heading to Bonnaroo Music Festival today and its going to be hot as fuck. Highs in the 90's, on a farm, in the middle of Tennessee in the summer--I'm sure someone thought this was a good idea. I'm going to try to tell myself-- the more I walk & sweat the more calories I'm burning.

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