Sunday, November 17, 2013


I've officially been on vacation since Friday and I'm feeling great! Tomorrow I head to Belize where I'll be staying for 8 days-- 4 in the jungle, and 4 at the beach. I can't get there soon enough.

Last night the Kona Ironman Championship was on TV-- I watched in and cried my eyes out-- the stories behind Triathletes are amazing and it's such a mental challenge that I'm amazed at anyone that can complete such a feat. I've always said that there would be no way I would ever do more than an Olympic Distance-- but I decided today if I enjoy the Olympic in January I will train for a HALF Iron--- but no more than that. I MUST get better on the run.

Today I went for my longest bike ride yet-- 25 miles. But before I started I realized my chain was messed up-- and I got nervous and almost turned around and went back home-- but I plopped my ass on the ground and got to work-- fixed it. Boom. About 3 miles in it started raining. By mile 10 I was soaking wet. Needless to say I didn't prepare for the rain in my gear choices-- nor do I have the fancy biking gear that everyone else on their bikes did today. It also wasn't easy. As in, it was hard. And this is a flat trail. BUT...I think that I actually prefer hilly terrain because it provides some variation. I'm still cramping in my lower back around mile 20-- and in my elbow by mile 20 too. That being said-- my wrists used to hurt and I've gotten past that.

When I get back in December I'm buying bike shoes that clip on-- that shit is scary.

OK....I'll try to update from Belize.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Oh shit.

So. I just realized that I'm about to be out of my routine from tomorrow until Tuesday December 3rd. I'll actually sleep in my bed 4 times between now and then and will be in: Nashville, New York, Belize, Nashville, & Florida.

I'm freaking out for a few reasons.

1. I love to eat yummy foods when I'm out of town. OK, well, I love to eat yummy foods all of the time but when I'm out of town I tend to throw all caution to the wind. The good news is that I'll be on the move in each place.
2. I've booked a spin class in NYC, a bootcamp type thing in Nash, I plan to hike/swim every day in Belize and I'm taking my bike to Nashville & Florida on the back end of the trip. I HAVE TO STAY ON MY TRAINING REGIMIN.
3. I have to curtail my drinking. THIS will be difficult. BUT I can do it.
4. Thanksgiving is thrown in there somewhere. That means mashed potatoes and more mashed potatoes. Have I mentioned how much I love mashed potatoes?
5. The last time I traveled for 3 weeks in a row I gained 10 lbs. TEN FUCKING POUNDS. FUCK YOU ROADSHOW.'s my motto: Smile, laugh, be present, stay active & move every day.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

21 miles....and a wetsuit search

Training has been up and down this week with today being a good end to the week-- I did a 21 mile ride on the Silver Comet and also worked out with my trainer. This upcoming week will be tough but I've put together a good plan:

Monday: SWIM AM
Tuesday: 5:30 AM Personal Training
Wednesday: Fit For Flight group activity (which will be fucking hard since I planned it)
Thursday: Fit For Flight Soccer game in NYC
Friday: OFF
Saturday: Run in Central Park
Sunday: Bike ATL/Personal Training
Monday: Swim
Tuesday: HIKE IN BELIZE!!!

BUT HERE'S WHAT I REALLY NEED: To find a wetsuit. Naples will be a wetsuit race and I can barely find a dress that fits let alone a onesie. The top of my body is a size 10. The bottom of my body is a size 14. The point of a wetsuit is to fit well on your whole body-- how the hell is this going to work? I've read that Oneil make the best suits for pear shaped women but the largest size they offer is for the weight range of 165-185...of which I'm not in- yet.

More on this later. :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

All the Snot

It's been a tough week. We had major visitors in town for week which added some unwarranted stress and I haven't been sleeping well. On Monday I got up early to swim like I had planned but Tuesday and today I didn't make it past the snooze button. I think it has to do that I haven't done well preparing prior to bed time for the next morning. So tomorrow I'm heading to a 6:15 AM Sport Class at my gym and I'm going to get everything ready tonight-- from my clothes to my water bottle. After class I'm going to do a quick run as well. That should make up for my lack of activity on Tuesday.
Tonight I went for a night bike ride and the bike is starting to feel better and better which is great but I have so much SNOT that I can't deal with it. I try to blow snot rockets but it just doesn't work with both hands on my bike. I've got to figure out how to deal with all the snot.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


I've been sick for 7 days now and am finally starting to feel better-- the doc said it was a classic cold and to rest up. So, I took an entire week off from training and got back at it today on the bike. Today Bleezy and I went to Columns Drive-- a 5 mile flat loop known that bikers and runners like to ride. It was my first time to this spot and the first time on my bike since I got new gears courtesy of Felt. :)
After the first 2 loops of some odd gear choices I realized that I was riding on the wrong gear ring-- so the last 5 miles were great and spot on. I rode at 16MPH which is a nice pace-- but when I clip in I should get even faster.

Also when I went to the doc they commented on my weight loss which was nice to hear.

This week I have to stick super strict to my training plan as I'll be in Atlanta for the whole week until next Tuesday when I fly to Nashville and then NYC for our soccer game. I'm terribly nervous about the soccer game considering the last time I played soccer I ended up with 8 screws and a plate in my ankle-- and training for a triathlon is time consuming and expensive-- I want to be able to give my all in the race in January.

More to come at the end of this week after I stick to my training plan...:)