Sunday, November 17, 2013


I've officially been on vacation since Friday and I'm feeling great! Tomorrow I head to Belize where I'll be staying for 8 days-- 4 in the jungle, and 4 at the beach. I can't get there soon enough.

Last night the Kona Ironman Championship was on TV-- I watched in and cried my eyes out-- the stories behind Triathletes are amazing and it's such a mental challenge that I'm amazed at anyone that can complete such a feat. I've always said that there would be no way I would ever do more than an Olympic Distance-- but I decided today if I enjoy the Olympic in January I will train for a HALF Iron--- but no more than that. I MUST get better on the run.

Today I went for my longest bike ride yet-- 25 miles. But before I started I realized my chain was messed up-- and I got nervous and almost turned around and went back home-- but I plopped my ass on the ground and got to work-- fixed it. Boom. About 3 miles in it started raining. By mile 10 I was soaking wet. Needless to say I didn't prepare for the rain in my gear choices-- nor do I have the fancy biking gear that everyone else on their bikes did today. It also wasn't easy. As in, it was hard. And this is a flat trail. BUT...I think that I actually prefer hilly terrain because it provides some variation. I'm still cramping in my lower back around mile 20-- and in my elbow by mile 20 too. That being said-- my wrists used to hurt and I've gotten past that.

When I get back in December I'm buying bike shoes that clip on-- that shit is scary.

OK....I'll try to update from Belize.

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