Sunday, September 15, 2013

Bikes and dogs and Tri Kits and Pete.

So my first official "brick" workout was yesterday-- Paul, Laura-Lynn and the recently crowned Ironman Christina headed up to "Swim with Pete" again and then headed to the Budweiser plant for a 14 mile bike ride. A couple of quick notes on the workouts: The swim is going well-- I really like swimming in the lake better than the pool:
1. The water doesn't bother me nearly as much when I get it in my nose or mouth
2. The fact that you just keep going until your loop is up seems to be much easier than flipping every 25 meters.
3. Being in nature is calming for some reason
4. I was able to do all 400+ yards without stopping and doing the freestyle the entire time for the first time-- I think I'm timing around 12 minutes! GO ME.

The bike is a struggle but I enjoy it:
1. I hate hills but I was able to pedal through all of them and never got off
2. I struggle with the though of "saving my legs" for the race and or what is to come on the bike course-- It's a disadvantage that I won't have ridden the bike course
3. When I get off the bike my legs feel like jelly-- not quite sure how the 5K is going to go but I'm determined to give it my best.

A few extra notes:

1. I bought a tri kit (tank and shorts-- 100% spandex). I'm pretty through it's see through. I definitely look a bit hilarious but what the fuck.
2. A dog tried to kill me on my bike ride and by "kill me" I mean-- he charged at me, sounding like a horse and chased me while salivating at my calf until I smoked his ass on a hill-- had I not been about to crest a crazy downhill I would have been toast. No shit. It was scary, I cried and praised the tri gods for me being on the hill and not crashing (my first windy downhill) and not being eaten by a dog that looked similar to THIS:

This week my focus will be on my eating, hydrating and training. This Thursday I head out of town for 3 nights for a great friends wedding and plan to find a spin class while on the road.

Monday: Swim
Tuesday: Spin class
Wed: Run and strength training with trainer
Thurs: Swim & bike
Fri: Run & Spin class
Sat: Strength/core (in hotel)
Sunday: off

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