Thursday, December 6, 2012

A little hazy.

I've had much to say recently but am having a hard time putting it down on paper, I'll try to break it up here.

1. I gained weight last week. 1.5lbs. In some ways I'm surprised as I started tracking my food/calories last week and per my Lose It App I should have easily lost 2 lbs last week as I stayed under my calorie allowance by over 3,000. That being said, I juice cleansed prior to the week before's weigh which leads me to believe that most of it was water weight. I don't plan to juice cleanse anymore right before a weigh as I think it gives an inaccurate gauge of where I actually am. Lastly, on the weight thing-- I'm going to start weighing on Monday's. The reason is that it's how the Lose It tracks my calories and once I start traveling more it's more likely that I'm at home on a Monday AM than a Wednesday AM. I'll start next Monday.

2. Yesterday I had my first training session with Brandy my new personal trainer- HOLY SHIT I'm sore today. It was only 30 minutes but I was drenched in sweat by minute 10-- it's probably the hardest I've worked in 30 minutes since high school soccer. The best part? I didn't have time to complain or say anything about well, anything. In the past my personal trainers have all been relatively chatty which made my workout more of a social session and less of a kick your butt session. We moved so quickly from 1 exercise to another there was no time for anything else.

3. Currently I'm located in a beautiful home on St. George Island-- the bay is just feet away and I'm enjoying myself immensely. Usually when I'm down here I eat really well but last night was pretty horrible-- it involved way too much wine, pasta, mashed potatoes and dessert. We were celebrating Coke's birthday and our dear friend Jonathan played some beautiful guitar music at the restaurant to top off the evening.

4. I was planning on training for a 5k while I'm on vacation but that got put to a swift halt today when I went out for a run and realized I fucking hate running. I'm horrible at it. My feet hurt. I was sore from yesterday's workout, I have some other non mentionable pains and I was miserable. Maybe one day I'll enjoy running again-- today is not the day. And it's not like I'm not working out-- I walked 3 miles this morning, will do another few mile walk later today on the beach and will also get in a yoga session today. I think it's OK that I don't run.

5. Lastly, Big thanks to John Wells who sent me a message on Lose It reminding me to not stop tracking while I'm on vacation. Just that little message got me back on track and helped a lot-- thanks Wells. We got this.

1 comment:

  1. You lean on me and I'll lean right back on you. We got this. Keep strong on vacation.
