Sunday, February 10, 2013


I've always known what I "should" be eating to lose weight and be at my healthiest but it was awesome to get a reminder when we were out in Cali. It can be tough for me to grocery shop since I'm typically never home for more than a few days in a row but I have a 2 week stretch in ATL coming up so I took myself to Whole Foods this weekend. The majority of purchases were veggies with some protein, grains, and dairy added in (no cheese). You should have vegetables with every meal...and not just any veggies-- green leafy vegetables (lettuce is not included). So for breakfast this morning I had scrambled eggs with garlic and herbs, half of an Ezekial muffin and some asparagus? Yes....Asparagus for breakfast. Why not? Dinner tonight was a little unbalanced as it consisted of brussel sprouts and peanut butter but sometimes you just got to make it work. I'll weigh in tomorrow morning and I'm a little nervous considering I didn't work out today and I drank too much last night....we shall see.

1 comment:

  1. You are my hero with that no cheese thing!

    Good luck at weigh in!
