Thursday, March 28, 2013

On Top of the World

This week has been amazing. 4 days of early morning workouts-- check. Visit to my doctor for my annual physcial-- check. My doc told me that my blood pressure was lowered and "amazing" and that my resting heart rate was super low-- she said my lungs and heart sounded phenomenal. She said it was clear that I was in better health. BOOM.

This morning I'm in Nashville for some work and I headed out to my favorite hiking spot-- Radnor Lake. There's a ridge trail there that KICKS MY ASS. I've been doing this ridge for as long as I can remember but in the past few years I've never been able to do it without taking breaks. NOT TODAY MUTHERFUCKERS. I was able to climb it without stopping once. I kept my breathing under control and made it all the way to the top and my recovery was much quicker too.

The hike ends with 1 mile of paved road around the lake that I thought I would give a try to run. I started slow with goals of "run to that tree", then I would "run to that bush", "run to that sign" get the point. Next thing I knew I was just running. Well, jogging. But NOT WALKING. I ran the entire way and felt AMAZING. I could have kept going. I can't wait to do it again.

Monday, March 25, 2013


Eharmony is for men that are 5'8 and shorter and rich.

If you own a Lamborghini then why the fuck are you on a dating site?

Oh, yeah. Because you are 5'4.

Roy Milner

So for the past 2 days I did a juice cleanse (with a little bit of cheating). On Saturday I had a few Cheerios and some peanut butter and last night before bed I indulged in some brown rice because I knew that I wanted to get up and work out this morning and needed SOMETHING in my stomach to make it through a spin class. Well, let's be clear-- brown rice didn't cut it.
Yesterday I was feeling horrible-- achy and fever (100). So last night I took 2 Tylenol PM's and hit the bed. I woke up this morning drenched in sweat and freezing-- took my temperature-- 96. Against anyone's better judgement I headed to the gym to give it my all and took a spin class. By about 5 minutes in I was sweating but still freezing. That continued until about minute 35. Around minute 40 I started seeing spots and getting dizzy so I did the only natural thing. I Roy Milnered that bitch and shoved an apple and some almonds in my mouth immediately.


To pull a Roy Milner: To leave any workout class early like a punk.

I'm hoping that once I get back on the normal food diet I'll be good to go and feeling like a champ again-- fingers crossed.

BUT...THE GOOD NEWS? The 2 day juice cleanse helped me get down to 202-- 22lbs...fuck yeah. I know at least 2 of that is water weight but that's ok. I won't be able to weigh again until next Wednesday as I'll be on the road Wed-Wed. I'm really hoping to get out of the 200's by the 2nd week in April-- that would just be amazing.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Models and Fitness Instructors

Oh goodness everyone. I spent this week in Charleston, SC (the food capital of the SE) watching models walk down the runway with their shoulders flung so far back they were almost walking on their head. I had planned to eat my way through Charleston but ended up eating relatively well thanks to the smart food choices of the Musketeer-- Danielle-- who also happens to be a Pure Barre teacher and in the most ridiculous shape.
All of those models and size 0's made me run straight back to ATL and pound some mac & cheese with my good friend Janet. But I did that knowing this weekend was going to be a juice cleanse. Tonight is night 1 of the juice cleanse and I'm going to weigh in the morning with the hopes of being to 204 by Monday morning--I'm sick of staying "I've lost almost 20 lbs"-- I want to kick 20lbs in the ass so I can start working on 30. WISH ME LUCK.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Caffeine- Random Thoughts.

My relationship with caffeine is interesting--- it always has been. As I child I wasn't allowed to drink soda-- I was only allowed to have sweet tea once a month at my grandmother's house and it made me a crazy child. As I grew up I never drank soda (and still don't) and my only caffeine would come from a random sweet tea, a cup of earl grey every now or a random Red Bull when I really needed it (usually driving). Then I started working for Red Bull and of course my consumption increased due to availability and the fact that it REALLY worked for me. 1 8.4 oz of golden beauty and I was set.

I find that I've now gotten in a breakfast habit of swinging by Starbucks-- they now have this egg white wrap that I adore and without any hesitation I'll grab a black tea-- you know, just cause. But today while in Starbucks I had to check myself. I wasn't tired. In fact, I feel great right now. Tons of energy, bright eyed and certainly bushy tailed. So...I didn't get anything. Because I didn't need it.

Caffeine (tea and Red Bull) is AMAZING and can put that extra pep in the step when you need it but it's going to be important for me to regulate this intake so that when I need caffeine it works like a charm and that my body doesn't grow accustom to having it.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Took a little break

Last week I was feeling rough. My body hurt (not sore but injured) and my mind was about done with the Non-stop workout, think about food, etc situation that I was in. I reached out to my girl Britta and she suggested I take a bit of a break, so I did. And it was awesome.
It was so awesome that I was beyond ready to get back to working out today when I had an appointment with my trainer. So ready I thought it would be a great job to walk to the gym. 4 miles. Then I got my ass kicked by my trainer. Then I was ready to be done. BUT...I had 4 miles in order to get my ass home. Whew. Perhaps I over did it...but I was so excited to get back at it.

Britta also recommended that I start doing more working out in the morning so I've planned a Tuesday and Wednesday early morning workout before I head to Charleston for a few days for work.

I'm going to weigh in tomorrow--a little nervous.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Quick Hits: Really, Sarah Bareilles

Guys. If you are on a social/online dating site. Please, under no circumstances admit to listening to either Sarah McLachlan or Sarah Bareilles, and in the worst possible case, both of them. While I enjoy both artists I truly don't want you to like them too.

This response to music gets you nowhere fucking fast, like freight train fast: Music: I tend to avoid Rap, Country and Hip-Hop, but anything else goes. I love live music and am finally getting back to seeing more of it. I also discovered Rhapsody, and get to cycle through a lot more variety than I actually own. Currently, I'm listening to Sarah McLachlan, Muse, Sara Bareilles, Foo Fighters, Jonathan Coulton, Breaking Benjamin, Garbage, and P!nk (yes, I know how she spells it)

Monday, March 11, 2013

We're all friends here, right?

One of my dearest friends since I was 5 years old (Matt) is getting married to an awesome lady(Carrie) in September and I'm in the wedding. Tonight I got the official word that my first ever love (and first ever other things) is also going to be in the wedding.

Now, let's be clear. He's married to what I hear is an amazing lady and they have a super cute child and there are a million other reasons why I'm not interested in him just reminds me that the majority of the grooms side of the wedding will have known and remember me from high school. Well folks...I don't look like that anymore. That was literally 75 pounds ago. 

Here's a picture of me at Matt a few years ago on my 29th birthday. For the record Red Bull has aged me's like I'm the president or something. 

Quick notes

1. I almost passed out in my Sport class tonight at the gym. Literally saw stars. I hope that means that I was working really hard and not that I'm near death.

2. Guys really have to stop putting pictures of themselves and other cute dudes on their online dating profiles. Because then I think that they are super cute and get all excited but when I click to the next picture I realize that they are the ugly one. What a tease.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Races and dogs and Dylan Baker

Let's start out by saying that I worked out hard this past week.
Monday- Sport class (think weights, jump backs, legs and cardio all packed into 1)
Tuesday-trainer (sprints and lower body)
Wednesday- off
Thursday- (spin class)
Friday- long walk
Saturday- trainer (upper and lots of abs)
Sunday- 5K race

Needless to say my body is a bit of an achy mess..gonna see if I can work in a massage this week if possible.

But most importantly I ran a 5K today with some good friends from work. It was a whole bunch of fun but I'm glad I was active for sure. I still don't understand paying to run nor do I like to run. Blah. But there were thousands of eager beavers there for the race many of them with dogs, children and stroller. This one crazy woman ran with at least 6 dogs attached to her and was quite bullysome. I mean, 1 dog...ok. 2 dogs, you're pushing it. 6 dogs...get the fuck outta here.

It was dark. I was not happy. We finished. Way more happy. 
Lastly, and of equal importance at the gym on Saturday I saw an actor that I LOVE...but couldn't place him to save my life. After doing some serious googling of the following I realized it was Dylan Baker:

"blonde actor with goatee"
"blonde actor that looks like but is not William H Macy"
"strawberry blonde actor with goatee"
"breaking bad cast"
"blonde actor with goatee and big teeth"
"blonde actor with goatee that gets spitting mad"
The I realized that I couldn't place him from anything in particular but that EVERYONE has been a guest actor on Law & Order so..
"Law & Order guest actors" was the jackpot.

Turned out I knew him from Damages where he has a goatee and typically he doesn't so I was leading google astray with the facial hair situation. I digress.

No weigh in tomorrow as I don't have my scale but when I get back to my house I'll be sure to hop on.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

White spandex & 8.5 months pregnant

So my good friend Ashley drug me to a spin class today. I used to take spin classes back in my Nissan days when we had a spin room in the office but since then I've never gone out of my way to sit on such an uncomfortable seat and sweat profusely for an hour. But I told her I would give it a try and I did. WHEW...what a great workout. Such a good mix of cardio and leg strength work and lower ab work too. THE FUNNY PART? I had the most amazing motivation at class tonight.

This crazy bitch in front of me dared to wear a pear of WHITE SPANDEX PANTS. I'm sorry but people rarely look good in BLACK spandex pants...but white spandex've got to be fucking kidding me. So literally in front of my face the entire class was a skinny, toned gorgeous blond lady with the balls to wear white spandex (before Easter).

But that wasn't enough. Oh NO. Not in my world. The lady in front of the white spandex woman was 8.5 MONTHS PREGNANT and killing it. So let's get this straight. I'm in a t-shirt that comes down to my knees, have a shoe string holding back my hair and am as red as a beet while in front of me there's a lady looking phenomenal in white spandex and a woman literally about to give birth. TO A CHILD. My life is comical. It truly is. 

Monday, March 4, 2013


So for those of you sick of hearing me talk about my weight and working out here's a change up.

PEOPLE ARE FUCKING CRAZY. I've been trying to start dating and socializing more so at rec's from my friends I'm trying Match.Com. Worst idea ever. These dudes are ridiculous. The majority of them include mostly pictures of their dogs, UGA's football stadium or their gun collection. Every now and then you get a picture of them next to a flashy car. IS THIS REALLY WHAT WOMEN WANT? Tell me it's not. It's certainly not what I'm looking for.

And the emails they send...Lord don't get me started. HORRIBLE. Embarrassing. No wonder they're single. And how they hold down a job is beyond me. I'm going to start compiling the crazy into a book....please send title suggestions.

It's almost difficult to put this type of crazy into words but I'll leave it with a first email I got the other day:

"I would like to cook you dinner on Friday night. Please write me back immediately".


Friday, March 1, 2013

Rock Climbing was FUN!

This past week I spent 4 days in Columbia, SC and each day I was able to get in a good workout but on Wednesday we took it to the next level. Indoor Rock Climbing. Myself and three co-workers headed to the local indoor gym and got harnessed up. Winner of the spiderman award goes to Scott Drollinger but I didn't do too shabby myself...but also didn't make it to the very top which I was quite disappointed with.

I enjoyed it tons and want to start climbing here in Atlanta-- it was a serious workout of muscles I haven't used in years.

Oh, and the scale wasn't right. But I did lose 1 pound!