Sunday, March 10, 2013

Races and dogs and Dylan Baker

Let's start out by saying that I worked out hard this past week.
Monday- Sport class (think weights, jump backs, legs and cardio all packed into 1)
Tuesday-trainer (sprints and lower body)
Wednesday- off
Thursday- (spin class)
Friday- long walk
Saturday- trainer (upper and lots of abs)
Sunday- 5K race

Needless to say my body is a bit of an achy mess..gonna see if I can work in a massage this week if possible.

But most importantly I ran a 5K today with some good friends from work. It was a whole bunch of fun but I'm glad I was active for sure. I still don't understand paying to run nor do I like to run. Blah. But there were thousands of eager beavers there for the race many of them with dogs, children and stroller. This one crazy woman ran with at least 6 dogs attached to her and was quite bullysome. I mean, 1 dog...ok. 2 dogs, you're pushing it. 6 dogs...get the fuck outta here.

It was dark. I was not happy. We finished. Way more happy. 
Lastly, and of equal importance at the gym on Saturday I saw an actor that I LOVE...but couldn't place him to save my life. After doing some serious googling of the following I realized it was Dylan Baker:

"blonde actor with goatee"
"blonde actor that looks like but is not William H Macy"
"strawberry blonde actor with goatee"
"breaking bad cast"
"blonde actor with goatee and big teeth"
"blonde actor with goatee that gets spitting mad"
The I realized that I couldn't place him from anything in particular but that EVERYONE has been a guest actor on Law & Order so..
"Law & Order guest actors" was the jackpot.

Turned out I knew him from Damages where he has a goatee and typically he doesn't so I was leading google astray with the facial hair situation. I digress.

No weigh in tomorrow as I don't have my scale but when I get back to my house I'll be sure to hop on.

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