Thursday, March 7, 2013

White spandex & 8.5 months pregnant

So my good friend Ashley drug me to a spin class today. I used to take spin classes back in my Nissan days when we had a spin room in the office but since then I've never gone out of my way to sit on such an uncomfortable seat and sweat profusely for an hour. But I told her I would give it a try and I did. WHEW...what a great workout. Such a good mix of cardio and leg strength work and lower ab work too. THE FUNNY PART? I had the most amazing motivation at class tonight.

This crazy bitch in front of me dared to wear a pear of WHITE SPANDEX PANTS. I'm sorry but people rarely look good in BLACK spandex pants...but white spandex've got to be fucking kidding me. So literally in front of my face the entire class was a skinny, toned gorgeous blond lady with the balls to wear white spandex (before Easter).

But that wasn't enough. Oh NO. Not in my world. The lady in front of the white spandex woman was 8.5 MONTHS PREGNANT and killing it. So let's get this straight. I'm in a t-shirt that comes down to my knees, have a shoe string holding back my hair and am as red as a beet while in front of me there's a lady looking phenomenal in white spandex and a woman literally about to give birth. TO A CHILD. My life is comical. It truly is. 

1 comment:

  1. No one, no matter how amazing, should wear WHITE SPANDEX.

    And I don't want to see prego bellies either, keep those covered up!

