Monday, March 18, 2013

Caffeine- Random Thoughts.

My relationship with caffeine is interesting--- it always has been. As I child I wasn't allowed to drink soda-- I was only allowed to have sweet tea once a month at my grandmother's house and it made me a crazy child. As I grew up I never drank soda (and still don't) and my only caffeine would come from a random sweet tea, a cup of earl grey every now or a random Red Bull when I really needed it (usually driving). Then I started working for Red Bull and of course my consumption increased due to availability and the fact that it REALLY worked for me. 1 8.4 oz of golden beauty and I was set.

I find that I've now gotten in a breakfast habit of swinging by Starbucks-- they now have this egg white wrap that I adore and without any hesitation I'll grab a black tea-- you know, just cause. But today while in Starbucks I had to check myself. I wasn't tired. In fact, I feel great right now. Tons of energy, bright eyed and certainly bushy tailed. So...I didn't get anything. Because I didn't need it.

Caffeine (tea and Red Bull) is AMAZING and can put that extra pep in the step when you need it but it's going to be important for me to regulate this intake so that when I need caffeine it works like a charm and that my body doesn't grow accustom to having it.

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