Sunday, March 17, 2013

Took a little break

Last week I was feeling rough. My body hurt (not sore but injured) and my mind was about done with the Non-stop workout, think about food, etc situation that I was in. I reached out to my girl Britta and she suggested I take a bit of a break, so I did. And it was awesome.
It was so awesome that I was beyond ready to get back to working out today when I had an appointment with my trainer. So ready I thought it would be a great job to walk to the gym. 4 miles. Then I got my ass kicked by my trainer. Then I was ready to be done. BUT...I had 4 miles in order to get my ass home. Whew. Perhaps I over did it...but I was so excited to get back at it.

Britta also recommended that I start doing more working out in the morning so I've planned a Tuesday and Wednesday early morning workout before I head to Charleston for a few days for work.

I'm going to weigh in tomorrow--a little nervous.

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