Monday, March 25, 2013

Roy Milner

So for the past 2 days I did a juice cleanse (with a little bit of cheating). On Saturday I had a few Cheerios and some peanut butter and last night before bed I indulged in some brown rice because I knew that I wanted to get up and work out this morning and needed SOMETHING in my stomach to make it through a spin class. Well, let's be clear-- brown rice didn't cut it.
Yesterday I was feeling horrible-- achy and fever (100). So last night I took 2 Tylenol PM's and hit the bed. I woke up this morning drenched in sweat and freezing-- took my temperature-- 96. Against anyone's better judgement I headed to the gym to give it my all and took a spin class. By about 5 minutes in I was sweating but still freezing. That continued until about minute 35. Around minute 40 I started seeing spots and getting dizzy so I did the only natural thing. I Roy Milnered that bitch and shoved an apple and some almonds in my mouth immediately.


To pull a Roy Milner: To leave any workout class early like a punk.

I'm hoping that once I get back on the normal food diet I'll be good to go and feeling like a champ again-- fingers crossed.

BUT...THE GOOD NEWS? The 2 day juice cleanse helped me get down to 202-- 22lbs...fuck yeah. I know at least 2 of that is water weight but that's ok. I won't be able to weigh again until next Wednesday as I'll be on the road Wed-Wed. I'm really hoping to get out of the 200's by the 2nd week in April-- that would just be amazing.

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