Tuesday, November 20, 2012


So I got on the scale this morning. I gained a pound. Up to 222.5. WTF?

I've been working out like crazy and have been relatively watching what I eat-- except for Sunday. And well, there was all the drinking on Saturday. Hmmm...OK. I know what I need to do. Eat more veggies, drink more water, and eat less calories. That's going to be the only way this works.

The good news? I'm getting stronger. I can feel it when I'm working out. I'm working harder, I'm moving quicker, I'm recovering faster-- and that is a blessing. It's amazing how quickly your body can and will respond when you train it properly.

I can't thank the awesome staff at Exhale http://www.exhalespa.com/locations/atlanta/ in Atlanta more...they are so motivating and of course my workout buddy Ashley-- I swear she gives me so much motivation to get my ass to the gym and work hard while I'm there. It's amazing what good will of others will do for you.

On a funny note, I think I've found my actual butt. It was hiding behind lots of other un-namely sources (fat) but it seems to be appearing slowly. Now, don't get the wrong-- the fat isn't gone-- nowhere nearly close but the shape of an actual butt seems to starting to form on my backside. Interesting. Apparently it is a muscle after all.

Oh and its Thanksgiving week. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

1 comment:

  1. I love being your workout buddy! We will find our butts and they will be amazing!
