Wednesday, November 28, 2012


It's amazing how shitty occurrences in your life can just throw you completely off kilter. Bad news came through at work today that just made me fucking furious. I mean mad. I thought that going to the gym would help me calm down, work it out and that I would come out leaving fresh and care free. Well, that didn't happen. The entire time I was in class I wanted to leave. I think at one point I actually said out loud "I want to kill myself". Obviously, I don't want to kill myself. Nor should I let work ever get me this riled up BUT DAMN.

In the past I would have skipped the workout and gone straight to the bar. Or perhaps straight to a bowl of pasta. But no. Not this time.

I'm at home. About to make myself a salad and then have an Amy's maybe 500 calories or so. According to my Lose It App I have 700 or left for the day (without incorporating the workout-- which was lame as duck).

Losing weight is going to be a daily battle like this one. I'm going to go ahead and let you know I'm not going to win all of these battles. I will lose some-- but hopefully I'll win many more than I lose. I know I'm also not going to lose 5lbs every week (WOULDN'T THAT BE AWESOME?)....but rather it will be up and down.

Here's some interpretive dance to cheer me up...

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