Wednesday, November 21, 2012

It's weigh day...

222.5. Well, I lost 2 lbs or so from the doctor scale (the original scale and weight that I'm measuring my progress from). So that's awesome. I gained a pound from my scale. Not so awesome. I now drive home to Nashville for 5 days of friends and family. I'll do my best but am not fucking starving myself on Thanksgiving week. I WILL, however, plan to work out every day (maybe not one---I'm super sore and I hear its good to give your body one day off to recover).

Right now, I'm headed to my Atlanta gym for the end of the Turkey Challenge. 14 classes in 17 days. And dear lord I feel it. But I feel good. Last night in Cardio I did almost every single one of the mountain climbers the REAL way...not the modified way that I have pussied my way through the past few months. GO ME!

OK. Must go back, hit the gym and hit the road. Happy Turkey Day eve!

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