Saturday, November 24, 2012

Cheese on cheese on cheese

It's officially Laiolo Thanksgiving day...this is day 2 of cooking for more than 4 hours. Yikes! Today I'm responsible for green beans (not a casserole), sweet potatoes and mac & cheese. Now these aren't your traditional recipes...oh no, I like to throw a little unconventional into my cooking. Needless to say, I'm a little pooped.

I did manage to get to hike Ganier Ridge yesterday with Lacey-- about 5 miles-- about 2 of which are fucking difficult. But-- it was well worth it-- felt great all day.

Today I woke up early and headed to Pure Barre with Cara-- similar to the Exhale Core Fusion Barre classes I take. It was a great workout and another good start to the day. Today I'm dragging a bit and might cheer myself up with a Red Bull.

Tomorrow I'll head back to Atlanta and will work to get back on more of a normal eating schedule although I'm happy to say my workout regime has continued with me to Nashville and I couldn't be prouder of myself. Next Wednesday I'm going to start counting my calories with the Loose It app with my friend Wells.

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