Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 2

I'm not sure how many people start out DAY 1 by not working out but yesterday when I woke up I was so swore and my body ached from going hard the 3 previous days that I took a rest day. I also drove to Charlotte yesterday and was able to keep my food reasonable while traveling.
In the AM I had:
-Breakfast tea with 1.5 splenda packets and a dollop of skim mill
-egg white/spinach  wrap from Starbucks
-Lunch was a salad with black beans, egg, red peppers, tomatoes, feta cheese and balsamic vinegar dressing
-afternoon snack was another egg white/spinach wrap
-dinner was an Amy's bowl and some fresh strawberries.
Total calories I estimate to be around 1300.

TODAY I'm about to head to the gym for a 12:15 workout-- I usually workout after work but I'm trying this to see how my energy levels are different during the day. I made a yummy smoothie for breakfast with: 1 teaspoon peanut butter, protein powder, banana, and 1/4 cup of choc soy milk-- The smoothie comes in around 250 calories but is filled with GREAT stuff and keeps me full all morning.

AND IN REALLY GOOD NEWS...I weighed myself yesterday on my scale at home and I came in at 221.5. My plan will be to weigh myself 1 time a week (Wednesday) (no MORE than that or I'll make myself crazy). I'm going to weigh myself in the morning as that's when you're the lightest :).

Mental thought: I'm actually excited to go to the gym today-- feeling good-- physically and mentally.

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