Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Double Take

I tossed and turned all night. Dreamt of weighing myself. Both things that possessed crazy people do actually. I digress. I woke up about 5 minutes ago, went to take a tinkle and hopped on the scale. 217.5 That's a 5lb weight loss from last week. Holy shit. You know...I always wondered on the Biggest Loser those weeks where they wouldn't lose ANYTHING and then come back the next week and pull a big number...turns actually happens. Why is that? I'll ask someone smarter than me sometime soon.

Now, I'm fully aware that a lot of this weight is water weight from my juice cleanse. But, when I think about the biggest difference in my diet between this week and the last it's the alcohol-- and the hungover eating situation. DAMN YOU ALCOHOL and SAUSAGE GRAVY.

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