Thursday, January 3, 2013

Candles, and baths, and pain killers?

GROSS DETAIL ALERT AHEAD: Woah. This is tough and like an idiot all last night I made it worse for myself. Part of having this specific surgery means that for the next few days my entire digestive region (bladder, colon, stomach, rectum, anus) is going to be all sorts of in fits. I've peed approximately 42 times since I got home yesterday-- and yes, that means that I didn't sleep last night. The reason I keep peeing? Because I can't empty my bladder. The reason I can't empty my bladder? Because my muscles are so tense and are doing weird things. The reason my muscles are tense? I stopped taking the mutherfucking Percoset and/or other pain killer.

You see, I thought it was a sign of bravery that I stopped with the pain killers...turns out, just stupidity. The good news is that when I called the doctor this morning she assured me that I wasn't the only stupid person she had ever met and told me to take the pain killers whether I wanted to or not--so I'll relax. She also suggested a relaxing bath-- not just a sitz bath but to light some candles, play some music, meditate...HELL YES. Forced relaxation-- I've been waiting for this all of my life.

So now I'm back on the pills (Shears would be proud), and back to my new resting spot-- the couch. Going to try to do a tiny amount of work and then zap out for the rest of the day. Wish me luck on not peeing every 15 minutes and may the forced relaxation be all its cracked up to be.

And in health/weight related news...I'm thinking another day of all liquids-- soups, arden's garden smoothies and then tomorrow I'll start with some veggies.

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