Friday, January 25, 2013

Food and PT

I have the most amazing Personal Trainer-- Brandy at Exhale Spa. She kicks my ass so freaking hard that I have not worked out with her yet where I wasn't questioning if death was imminent. She also helps me really focus which is huge for me. Here's a picture of her doing something I'll be doing in no time...

Also my friend Kacey was telling me about her new diet regimen that involves what seems to be some super smart choices. Big breakfast packed with protein, healthy snack, relatively large lunch, healthy snack and then no carbs after 3:00 PM, with dinner being the smallest meal of the day. Her trainer also told her that cardio is much more effective in the morning opposed to the evening and that she only needs 3 sessions of 20 minute cardio per week (heart rate over 140 entire time) and then 3 sessions of strength training each week-- and no more than 7 drinks a week. She's looking and feeling great so there maybe something to her plan. I think I'm just going to have to figure out what works best for my body and also understand that what works may change as my body and routines change as well. That's what I got for now. I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm going to keep pretty chill and get some stuff done around the place and start PACKING for my upcoming move across town. House with a yard here I come!

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