Saturday, January 5, 2013

Fancy scales and what not

When I got home from my visit to Nashville I was surprised to see a box from my homegirl at HQ- Jackie Nith. Jackie runs our company Fit For Flight program-- basically, it's Red Bull's way of saying...get your ass in shape, eat well, be mentally present and you'll be a better person (and of course in the end, a better employee). Many companies are starting programs like this and I'm all for it-- any type of positive encouragement we can get as employees is a good thing in my book. Ok, ok...back to my box.

I opened it to find an amazing new scale that at first look was a really pretty scale. But after doing some research (opening the box and setting it up) it turns out that this scale could possibly cook me dinner or give me a massage. But seriously, it's WI-FI enabled and will link to my Fit Bit account and it tells me my BMI-- not just my weight. HOLY SHIT. I also got a new Fit Bit sent to me to help me achieve my goals in 2013. Thank you Jackie and thank you Red Bull.

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