Wednesday, January 30, 2013

There's always tomorrow

Monday was a tough day for me as expressed regarding my ski pant situation. I was so down on myself that I was concerned it was going to start a downward spiral into the gloomy depths of cheese and inactivity. HELL NO! I woke Tuesday ready to go-- I can't let stupid ski pants ruin my progress. Ruin my forward momentum. As I sit in the Atlanta airport I can look back on yesterday and be proud. I worked out with my trainer, had some acupuncture work done and feel GREAT. I've got big workout plans for tomorrow, Friday and Saturday-- 2 of which will involve SKI's and some nice hiking. While I'm on the road the food can always get a bit iffy but I'm committed to being smart this trip. Next week I head to LA to get trained for my Poster Child responsibility and I believe it's going to involve some SERIOUS fitness tests...I'm actually a little excited, along with a lot of nervous.'s hoping to get out of ATL before the storm hit.

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