Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Longest Best Day Ever

A couple of things to think about tonight as I write.

First...the best part. Today was awesome. Yesterday was equally awesome. I've been doing some thinking and last night at Red Bull Thre3Style may have been one of the best executed events I've ever been a part of from top to bottom. The production, the promotion, the on-site execution...all of it...stellar. I was so proud of my team, my peers, and my counterparts that I couldn't sleep last night. But turned out I had to get up at the ass crack of dawn to drive 5.5 hours to Boone, NC.

I've been excited about this trip for a couple of reasons but mostly because I was going to get to spend some time with a new team member of mine and sadly say goodbye to another. However, getting up at 6AM and making an insane drive after the preformentioned event turned out to be a bit ruff. As soon I got in the car I wanted to turn around. Make up some excuse, ANYTHING. But I drove on, listening and singing to whatever I could find and made it to the mountains.

Turned out it was so great to be here. I was able to be surrounded by so many awesome people with great passion but that's just the tip of the iceberg. We went skiing. In 65 degree weather. I may have worn my Lululemon yoga pants because my ski pants dont currently fit (so well).

Of course I started off on the bunny slope (duh)...I have only skied 3 times prior and 2 of them didn't count because I still had all the metal in my ankle and I was in more pain than a normal human is ever in during their entire life. The last time involved skiing in Tennessee, which turns out is similar to skiing in North Carolina...I digress. I killed the bunny slope. Did it twice and nailed that shit.

Next off, the green slope. My first time down ended, well, in a bit of a spill. Thanks to a courageous SBM (Connor) I was able to make it down to ski again. I ended up owning that green. I even taught a couple of first timers as well. After my green mastery I thought it would be time to turn in..we only had 20 minutes left of skiing and my legs were spent. But, oh thing I know, I'm on a lift heading up to the top. Black on the left. Blue on the right. I, of course, chose the Blue. My main man Joe from COC stayed with me the entire way. I may have fallen 12 times. I may have had to take my skis off every one of those times. I might have fallen once in a mud pit. It may have taken me 30 minutes to get down the hill.

BUT... I did it. I actually skied the last half of the hill nicely. There's no doubt in my mind that I'm going to be sore in places tomorrow I didn't know existed. My abs will for sure be tired from laughing so much. But all in all, today was a great day. We even ended the evening with a nice dinner and some dance floor action.

Lastly, and un related to everything above...

I'm a little pissed about my fluctuation of weight. The first few days of the week I was losing weight every time I got on the scale. A couple of ounces here and there. But for the past 3 days, every time I've gotten on the scale I've gained weight (a couple of ounces each time). Every one of those days I've come below my total calorie count for losing weight. I'm wondering if I shouldn't weigh myself every day. Am I making myself crazy?

Oh, and pays to sit by a D1 ACC football player at dinner. I fed him half of my rack of lamb and mashed potatoes and actually ate a few delicious bites of both without going overboard.

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