Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Percoset...not all it's cracked up to be

So as I mentioned earlier I had some surgery earlier today on a digestion issue of sorts and thankfully it went very well. It's certainly keeping me in bed and in some considerable pain. Mostly my pain is focus in the region of the incisions and then also my throat hurts quite bad from when they intubated me.

In the past with my 2 ankle surgeries the Percoset they gave me afterwards really did the trick-- it made me loopy and pain free. But this time it's making me really loopy but the pain isn't going away. Apparently, with any narcotic it works on your brain and not the actual pain. Sounds a little silly to me. Tomorrow I'm going to start using the other pain medication they gave me which is not so heavy on the brain whatever.

But in AMAZING NEWS...when I got home yesterday I had a gift from the awesome folks at Red Bull HQ that had read my post about the Poster Child program and sent me a new fit bit and a super cool techy scale. I feel very lucky to have a supportive company in my goals to get fit.

Ok. The next dose of Percoset is kicking in. Gonna try to sleep again. Or go on a magic carpet ride.

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